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Saturday, September 22, 2007

That's Ms. Pele to you.

Water break at half-time, in the Blue Sharks (Lil'Heels) game.

Safah's began her very unpro soccer career today, with her first game. The jerseys were called Columbia, but most of the parents (Ex-tarheels) called them Carolina Blue. It is funny how competitive parents are. Or maybe we just want our kids to thrive so much! The parents decided on Lil'Heels for the team name, course Coach Anina had chosen the Blue Sharks. So we got vetoed. Hey, they will be Lil'Heels in our hearts.

Back to starting positions after our Grant and Isaiah make a goal.

Ironically, Safah originally had to stay on the 3-4 year old team she was assigned to because they try to follow the age range. Even though I told them that she would tower over them and it could be a safety risk, if she collided with one of the "very little" three year olds. And they do look so little compared to her. But I let it go, she had to get the fundamentals first anyway. Well, Saturday comes, and Dakota's team, the Blue Bears, are short a few members since they were created last for the season. She is on the 5-6 year old team since she made the deadline. So my brother asked me to ask Gordon, the soccer chairman to let Safah play on their team. Her skills are similar to some of the 5-6 year olds who have not played before, and she was still taller than some in size. So I said I would let her only if she wanted to. I wouldn't push her. Of course she knew that it was Coco's team, and said yes, even though she had already played her team's game. So the Blue Shark became a substitute Blue Bear with Coach Ben.

Dakota, Sophie and Safah (The Blue Bears and the Green somethings?)

Then they played the Green somethings...and one of Safah's friends from Morehead (Sophie) was on that team, so she had a great time. The only bad thing. The Blue Bears were still short one member (for a 6 person team---one little girl didn't want to play anymore after her brother got hurt in the first few minutes of the game), so the 5 Blue Bears played the 12 Green somethings. They kept switching out fresh 6 person teams every 5-6 minutes, and our 5 person team was just sweating. Funny thing though, the Blue Bears won, 3-1.

Oh, and the Blue Sharks won too, by so many points to 1, that we parents stopped counting... ;)

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